
British Cactus & Succulent Society
Gloucester & District Branch

The Gloucester & District branch of the BCSS meet at Longford Village Hall, Longford Lane, Longford, Gloucester, GL2 9EL. See maps for directions.

We meet on the second Saturday of each month at 2:15 for 2:45 pm. Meetings generally include a speaker (with a digital presentation or slides, and/or plants), plant sales, table show, raffle and tea or coffee. There is an entrance fee of £2 per person to cover hire of the hall, speakers expenses and refreshments. Juniors under 18 are admitted free but must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. Visitors are very welcome to join us. See our programme of events for details of meetings.

Our annual show is on Saturday 1st June

Our next meeting is on Saturday 8th June

Thelocactus — Martin Doorbar

Martin has a National Collection of Thelocactus and is well placed to tell us all about this interesting genus from Mexico (and Texas).

We also organise shows, displays, plant sales and auctions, greenhouse open days and we have our own library. We attract members from a wide area, including parts of Worcestershire and Herefordshire as well as all parts of Gloucestershire. They range from windowsill growers with just a few plants to enthusiasts with multiple greenhouses.

We have members willing to give introductory talks on cacti and succulents to local groups (gardening clubs, WIs, etc.). Please contact us for details.

The BCSS has around 60 branches. We are part of the West of England & South Wales Region, along with Bristol, Wiltshire and South Wales branches.